Respect in the Workplace Online Training
Respect in the Workplace: Preventing Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying is an interactive online discrimination, harassment, and bullying prevention training program. There are two versions of the program: one for employees and one for leaders/managers. At completion of training, employees will have an understanding of the behaviours that contribute to a respectful and inclusive workplace. Our content is developed in-house with the expertise of Canadian legal and human resources practitioners. Our training is designed for a Canadian audience.
About the Courses
Respect in the Workplace – Preventing Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying
For Employees (60 minutes)
This interactive course requires one hour of an employee’s time to complete. The training
- increases understanding what is a respectful workplace
- provides definitions of discrimination, harassment, and bullying
- increases awareness of behaviours that constitute discrimination, harassment, bullying, or disrespect
- provides information about what employees can do if they have a complaint or a concern
- provide tools on how to speak up if employees witness discrimination, harassment, or bullying
- provides information on respectful language and gender identity expression
- offers employees the opportunity to apply the principles they learn to realistic workplace situations
Respect in the Workplace – Preventing Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying-the Manager’s Role
For Managers (60 minutes)
This course covers the same content as the employee program but also offers managers the support they need to deal fairly and effectively with discrimination, harassment, and bullying complaints and issues. The scenarios allow managers to test their understanding of their role in responding to harassment in the workplace so they feel confident in responding to employee concerns. The training takes approximately an hour to complete.
What Participants Have Said
“Excellent tool. Many new supervisors are unsure how to act and when to act. This is great.”
“This exercise made me more aware of how peoples’ actions can offend others, whether they meant to or not.”
Participant feedback from Manager’s Respect course